Wednesday, September 4, 2013

True to Myself...

It is some ungodly hour of the morning and..... ok well not really, but late enough. Regardless, I can't sleep (surprise). And there's no better time to write than when you can't sleep!! (Also, my internet may be out of commission tomorrow which would inhibit me from posting, but that's a happy coincidence.)

I really just wanted to share with you the incredible experience I had at work today. A client came in with severe pain all over her body. Her left side was completely numb, she had excruciating pain down her one leg, headaches all the time, and a variety of other aches and pains that seemed to have no connection whatsoever. Sad to say, this pain controlled her body for over ten years, at times becoming unbearable. Numerous therapists and doctors of all specialities have gotten nowhere in their diagnosis. 

And then there was me... 

Third year osteopathy student. Completely not confident in all of my skills yet. I literally just did my assessment (full body of course) and treated what I was able. For certain there were things popping up that were outside my skill level, but I did what any healthcare practitioner would and tried my best. These were the results of my unguided treatment: 

- headache down 60% 

- clogged "water in ears" feeling gone
- jaw pain down 30%
- one hip able to have near full pain free range of motion
- swollen tongue decreased to the point of being able to speak clearly
- overall sense of wellbeing and hope

For someone who has been in this much pain for this long, these results are shocking after one treatment. I can honestly say I was surprised with the success, though there is much work to be done yet. However, the point I truly want to impress on you, my reader, is that last change. Ten years and just as many doctors never finding anything physically wrong with her... and now she has hope. A hope of a brighter future, one where she can move throughout her day without dealing with this living nightmare. Even if this dear lady never comes to see me again, I have done my job, and I am happy for her. 

"Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful parts of us."

~ David Richo

Never lose that hope for the future. Even when the night is dark, and you can't see the road... even when fears and doubts consume you... never lose your hope. The power behind it is unfathomable, and the world is at your doorstep just waiting for you to come say hello. 

~ The Silver Phoenix

P.S. Why am I still this awake?

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