Thursday, September 12, 2013

Of Lightning Storms and Jane Austen

For anyone living within an hour of my current location, you probably saw the incredible thunderstorm last night. Lightning was incessant. It cracked across the sky one bolt after the other, through the clouds and down to the earth. Some moved slowly enough that I could trace the jagged path from the treeline up to its partner in the sky. Everything flashed with white and blue, and watching anything move was as if I was in a night club with the lights strobing. It has been a very long time indeed since I've seen a storm of such magnitude.

As for my title's reference to Ms. Austen, I've been working my way through the movies that my parents own. Even as I write this I can enjoy the questionable singing voice of Mary Bennet in the background. After watching "Becoming Jane", it made me wish I lived in that time. It was so much simpler back then. As an eligible young lady, all I would have to do is crochet and embroider, paint and draw, read and learn languages, attend parties.... oh yes, and marry rich. As long as I was in an Austen story I could marry for money as well as love. 

Still dreaming, 
~ The Silver Phoenix

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