Wednesday, September 25, 2013

First World Problems

As the ever impending doom of winter looms over me (and the rest of the country), I begin to feel the unavoidable depression that comes with it. Just the other day I was thinking, "It's too early for this crap!" so I sat down and re-evaluated why I was feeling the way I did. 

For starters, there is a technological revolt going on in my house these days. The computer keeps freezing, the laptop is not cooperating and, worst of all, it's only a 5% chance that I can get my phone to turn on in the morning. My means of communication is slowly dwindling back to carrier pigeon (or so it feels). It's frustrating! Technology sucks.
I haven't been home regularly this past week or so, which means my lack of cleaning is beginning to show. Particularly in the fousty dishes now piled in my sink. I pretty much need incense burning non stop just to make the place smell decent when I come home for bed. Oh what I wouldn't give for a dishwasher! Or a maid! Or a WIZARD!!
School starts for me this week. 'Nuff said. 
All this and more, but I will refrain from telling you here to prevent it sounding like I'm using this blog as a venting tool (I swear I'm not!). But then I realized how trivial my issues are. Technology? Really? I remember a day when I was excited to get a letter in the mail. Dishwashers? Honestly, more people live without them than with them. I can't expect much sympathy on that count. And school?! I am grateful for the education that is open to me in this country! I am so blessed with opportunities here and all I manage to do is complain. Tell me, is there something wrong with this picture? I think so. 

Therefore! I have resolved to find/create a list of things that should make me feel better. For starters, it is a beautiful sunny day outside and I am in here writing this. I think it's time for a walk. Perhaps nature will remind me that there is more in life to be thankful for than to complain about, if only I have the guts to open my eyes and look a little closer. 

Take joy in the little things!
~ The Silver Phoenix

P.S. I want that sweater in that first picture. 

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