Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fancy, Feeling or Ferris

Hello to my 66 occasional readers. As promised I have been posting weekly updates about... stuff. Like thunderstorms! However, as I sat this weekend wondering what on earth I wanted to write about, it came to me all by itself yesterday. 

Standing in Subway, waiting for my pizza sandwich to toast, I heard a song I'd never heard before. I suspected it was sung by Jason Derulo, whom I'm not a huge fan of, but when I got home and looked it up, sure enough, it was. It's called "Marry Me". 

Now this entry goes out to all my lovely married readers, and unmarried if you wish to share your thoughts. My question is to you all - How do you know when you're ready? Can you ever really be ready, or do you just take a blind leap of faith? I used to ask all these questions. To be honest, I never thought I could spend the rest of my life with just one person. It would be so tedious, boring, annoying at times... and how would I stop myself from looking elsewhere? Then I met him. 

From the first time I met him it just felt right. It felt like I was, by some universal design, supposed to be with this man. This feeling surprised me, and scared the crap out of me at the same time. After a line of abusive men, I had a hard time learning to trust and open myself again. Yet this one man seemed different. I wouldn't even call it a feeling... it's just this full knowledge that he won't hurt me. When he says he loves me, that he'll never leave, that he wants to take care of me, I believe him every word. Is this love? 

Or something deeper? Love, by today's definition, is hearts and flowers. It's that bubbly fluttery I-can't-be-anywhere-but-by-his-side kind of feeling. By all means that's there too. But when I look into his eyes as he says that I'm the most important thing to him, the connection there is so much more than just a bubbly heart skip. This is a deep rooted bond, one that won't waver with arguments or disagreements. Trust me, we've already had major ups and downs, but we're still together.

"Is love a fancy or a feeling? Or a Ferris?" ~ Maryanne, Sense and Sensibility 

Let me know what you think. Fancy, Feeling or Ferris?
Yours ever
~ The Silver Phoenix 

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