Wednesday, September 25, 2013

First World Problems

As the ever impending doom of winter looms over me (and the rest of the country), I begin to feel the unavoidable depression that comes with it. Just the other day I was thinking, "It's too early for this crap!" so I sat down and re-evaluated why I was feeling the way I did. 

For starters, there is a technological revolt going on in my house these days. The computer keeps freezing, the laptop is not cooperating and, worst of all, it's only a 5% chance that I can get my phone to turn on in the morning. My means of communication is slowly dwindling back to carrier pigeon (or so it feels). It's frustrating! Technology sucks.
I haven't been home regularly this past week or so, which means my lack of cleaning is beginning to show. Particularly in the fousty dishes now piled in my sink. I pretty much need incense burning non stop just to make the place smell decent when I come home for bed. Oh what I wouldn't give for a dishwasher! Or a maid! Or a WIZARD!!
School starts for me this week. 'Nuff said. 
All this and more, but I will refrain from telling you here to prevent it sounding like I'm using this blog as a venting tool (I swear I'm not!). But then I realized how trivial my issues are. Technology? Really? I remember a day when I was excited to get a letter in the mail. Dishwashers? Honestly, more people live without them than with them. I can't expect much sympathy on that count. And school?! I am grateful for the education that is open to me in this country! I am so blessed with opportunities here and all I manage to do is complain. Tell me, is there something wrong with this picture? I think so. 

Therefore! I have resolved to find/create a list of things that should make me feel better. For starters, it is a beautiful sunny day outside and I am in here writing this. I think it's time for a walk. Perhaps nature will remind me that there is more in life to be thankful for than to complain about, if only I have the guts to open my eyes and look a little closer. 

Take joy in the little things!
~ The Silver Phoenix

P.S. I want that sweater in that first picture. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fancy, Feeling or Ferris

Hello to my 66 occasional readers. As promised I have been posting weekly updates about... stuff. Like thunderstorms! However, as I sat this weekend wondering what on earth I wanted to write about, it came to me all by itself yesterday. 

Standing in Subway, waiting for my pizza sandwich to toast, I heard a song I'd never heard before. I suspected it was sung by Jason Derulo, whom I'm not a huge fan of, but when I got home and looked it up, sure enough, it was. It's called "Marry Me". 

Now this entry goes out to all my lovely married readers, and unmarried if you wish to share your thoughts. My question is to you all - How do you know when you're ready? Can you ever really be ready, or do you just take a blind leap of faith? I used to ask all these questions. To be honest, I never thought I could spend the rest of my life with just one person. It would be so tedious, boring, annoying at times... and how would I stop myself from looking elsewhere? Then I met him. 

From the first time I met him it just felt right. It felt like I was, by some universal design, supposed to be with this man. This feeling surprised me, and scared the crap out of me at the same time. After a line of abusive men, I had a hard time learning to trust and open myself again. Yet this one man seemed different. I wouldn't even call it a feeling... it's just this full knowledge that he won't hurt me. When he says he loves me, that he'll never leave, that he wants to take care of me, I believe him every word. Is this love? 

Or something deeper? Love, by today's definition, is hearts and flowers. It's that bubbly fluttery I-can't-be-anywhere-but-by-his-side kind of feeling. By all means that's there too. But when I look into his eyes as he says that I'm the most important thing to him, the connection there is so much more than just a bubbly heart skip. This is a deep rooted bond, one that won't waver with arguments or disagreements. Trust me, we've already had major ups and downs, but we're still together.

"Is love a fancy or a feeling? Or a Ferris?" ~ Maryanne, Sense and Sensibility 

Let me know what you think. Fancy, Feeling or Ferris?
Yours ever
~ The Silver Phoenix 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Of Lightning Storms and Jane Austen

For anyone living within an hour of my current location, you probably saw the incredible thunderstorm last night. Lightning was incessant. It cracked across the sky one bolt after the other, through the clouds and down to the earth. Some moved slowly enough that I could trace the jagged path from the treeline up to its partner in the sky. Everything flashed with white and blue, and watching anything move was as if I was in a night club with the lights strobing. It has been a very long time indeed since I've seen a storm of such magnitude.

As for my title's reference to Ms. Austen, I've been working my way through the movies that my parents own. Even as I write this I can enjoy the questionable singing voice of Mary Bennet in the background. After watching "Becoming Jane", it made me wish I lived in that time. It was so much simpler back then. As an eligible young lady, all I would have to do is crochet and embroider, paint and draw, read and learn languages, attend parties.... oh yes, and marry rich. As long as I was in an Austen story I could marry for money as well as love. 

Still dreaming, 
~ The Silver Phoenix

Thursday, September 5, 2013

To My Random People

Just a quick post to thank everyone who has shown enough interest in my random musings to at least look at this blog. To those who meandered here by accident... well I thank you too. 

I happened to see my audience stats today. Thanks to you guys I have more page views between today and yesterday than I had on my other blog after 3 months!! 

So thanks. I sincerely hope you keep coming back. 

~ The Silver Phoenix


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

True to Myself...

It is some ungodly hour of the morning and..... ok well not really, but late enough. Regardless, I can't sleep (surprise). And there's no better time to write than when you can't sleep!! (Also, my internet may be out of commission tomorrow which would inhibit me from posting, but that's a happy coincidence.)

I really just wanted to share with you the incredible experience I had at work today. A client came in with severe pain all over her body. Her left side was completely numb, she had excruciating pain down her one leg, headaches all the time, and a variety of other aches and pains that seemed to have no connection whatsoever. Sad to say, this pain controlled her body for over ten years, at times becoming unbearable. Numerous therapists and doctors of all specialities have gotten nowhere in their diagnosis. 

And then there was me... 

Third year osteopathy student. Completely not confident in all of my skills yet. I literally just did my assessment (full body of course) and treated what I was able. For certain there were things popping up that were outside my skill level, but I did what any healthcare practitioner would and tried my best. These were the results of my unguided treatment: 

- headache down 60% 

- clogged "water in ears" feeling gone
- jaw pain down 30%
- one hip able to have near full pain free range of motion
- swollen tongue decreased to the point of being able to speak clearly
- overall sense of wellbeing and hope

For someone who has been in this much pain for this long, these results are shocking after one treatment. I can honestly say I was surprised with the success, though there is much work to be done yet. However, the point I truly want to impress on you, my reader, is that last change. Ten years and just as many doctors never finding anything physically wrong with her... and now she has hope. A hope of a brighter future, one where she can move throughout her day without dealing with this living nightmare. Even if this dear lady never comes to see me again, I have done my job, and I am happy for her. 

"Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful parts of us."

~ David Richo

Never lose that hope for the future. Even when the night is dark, and you can't see the road... even when fears and doubts consume you... never lose your hope. The power behind it is unfathomable, and the world is at your doorstep just waiting for you to come say hello. 

~ The Silver Phoenix

P.S. Why am I still this awake?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ok Ok.... 
So I've decided to try this again ( OH MER GERD). The last post I did was almost 2 years ago. Yikes. Be that as it may, I am using this as an exercise of self discipline to start writing every week. To start, I suppose I shall explain the purpose of this incredibly exciting blog.

It's not that complicated.

First, I have a deep and personal love of all things Japanese, particularly their ancient methods of fighting. My bedroom may or may not have a full displayed arsenal.

Secondly, my usual writing time is well beyond the range of "normal waking hours" for the typical North American. Even more so for the typical Australian... just saying.

And so, the Sleeping Warrior is born! Don't be fooled by the sedated appearances. Sleeping Warriors are most deadliest when ... they are.... asleep. Yeah. Sleep writing. This could become a thing.

However, as it is not beyond normal waking hours just yet, and I promised myself to do something physically productive, I will finish with this introduction. Keep checking back as my intention is for weekly updates on my adventures, discoveries and random musings that must not fail to entertain my virtual audience!!

~ The (still awake) Silver Phoenix